Kai Bolay's Homepage

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I work as a Software Engineer at Google. I used to work as a Software Engineering Manager at Lycos, Inc. where I was responsible for Tripod, Angelfire, Lycos Domains, and htmlGEAR among many other things.

Recently I manged to make it into the newspapers:


I like to play the German card game Skat. Check it out:


I attended the University of Stuttgart starting in Fall 1993 and graduated on Novermber 30, 1998 with a diploma in physics. My thesis about self-organizing pedestrian movement was written under the supervision of Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dirk Helbing at the II. Institute of Theoretical Physics. From September 1996 until May 1997 I studied at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst for two semesters. I graduated with a Master of Science on May 24, 1997. You can find some more information about my studies.


Once upon I atime I owned an Amiga 4000 and used it mainly for mail and news handled by UMS. I used to be found on IRC on the channel #AmigaGer. I preferred the Oberon-2 programming language. Going along with that the AMOK public domain collection was created. I worked at Hewlett Packard as a freelance worker. My occupation were mainly Perl scripts which act as interfaces to different SQL databases (Allbase, Ingres). During my thesis I began appreciating Java.


I got one - despite physics and computers.

Homepages of some friends:

No homepage is complete without that: In order to contact me simply write an email (I do support PGP).
Of course I can also be reached by conventional means:
Kai Bolay 
20 Englewood Ave., Apt. 203
Brookline, MA 02445
Cellular: +1 (617) 755-3160

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